Tuesday, November 1, 2011


        Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel melancholy and can't quite explain why? Today, I was having one of those days--a day where I could listen to something by Death Cab for Cutie or the Postal Service, and it would fit right in. Sure, this happens every now and again to everyone I think, but it seemed particularly bad for me today--and it was getting to the point that I was affecting those around me. I'm fine with it if I get down once in a while, but not if it has an impact on others. That's simply not okay in my mind.

        I was still on campus, so I couldn't really do any of the things that first came to mind to remedy the situation--go for a good long run, take a nice hot shower, snuggle up in a blanket, that sort of thing. Just as I was in the midst of deciding how to shake this feeling, I found a note of sorts that my fiancee left for me. Now this isn't the first time that someone's done this for me, but it has happened more times than I can count. Someone just does a random act of kindness, if you will--they share something with me, do something for me, or even just give me a random compliment. In nearly every case, the person had no idea how down I was really feeling, they just happened to be in the right place at the right time to lift me up. And today, it was my Fiancee that came to my rescue. (If you'd like to see how she helped me out, you can check it out on her blog here. I'll warn you though, It's a cute, mushy love letter of sorts so beware if you don't like lovey-dovey stuff like that).

        In my personal experience, I've found that this has happened far too often to be considered mere coincidence--and I'm not much a believer in such things anyway. Being the religious type, I call it evidence of sorts that there really is a God out there that cares about me personally, that knows what's going on in my life and wants to help me out.

        Now don't get me wrong, there have been plenty of times when I've been depressed or unhappy, and nobody has so much as lifted a finger to help me out--I just had to suck it up and get over it as best as I could by myself. I don't believe that God would ever protect me from ever having anything bad happen to me, nor do I expect him to. This life would be a colossal waste of time if I never got the chance to learn from my mistakes, or experience the joy of overcoming struggles. All the same, sometimes I am able to see the ways that God reaches his hand out to help me in time of need. I don't believe that God would leave us completely and utterly alone, though I've found that I'm really good at distancing myself from Him when I put my mind to it.

        It's finally November, and here in the States we'll soon be celebrating Thanksgiving. At this awesome time of year, we try to focus on the things that we're thankful for, and today, I'm definitely grateful for my awesome fiancee--grateful for the amazing ability that she has to lift up those that are down (me included). I'm grateful that she puts up with me, and has made the decision to choose me. Life isn't always perfect, but right now, it's better than ever before.

Pictures from http://attackofthecute.com/on/?i=123 and http://attackofthecute.com/on/?i=2524 , respectively

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