Thursday, October 20, 2011


        There have been many times in my life when there has been so much stress and worry that I just wanted to explode--times when more than anything, I just needed to release some internal pressure. Blow off some steam, let my mind loose. Time and time again, I've found that my best friend in such instances is a good ol' paper and pencil.

        Sure, sometimes I can just write down my thoughts and feelings and I'm good to go--but this isn't all that a notebook is good for. One of my favorite outlets has pretty much always been doodling. I don't know what it is about it, but there's just something so satisfying about letting your imagination take form on a page. Sometimes my drawings would emulate exactly how I felt--and often it also would show how I wanted to feel.

        Here is a smattering of my imagination, come to life on a page. This is from quite some time ago--more than two years ago, I'd wager. I need to get back into the habit of drawing every once in a while. Just looking at these doodles reminded me of how enjoyable that always was for me.

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