Friday, September 30, 2011


     There are some big changes coming up in my life though. Getting married, moving out...and basically starting a whole new life. I mean, sure, I've been living on my own for some time now, but this time it's going to be so very different. To be completely honest, I'm nervous about it. 

        Truth be told, I'm not a perfect person. Big shocker there, I know. Up until this point in my life, though, whenever I've screwed up or made mistakes, for the most part it would only affect me. Once I'm married, this will most definitely no longer be the case. At  this juncture, this is one of the things that makes me nervous about being married. I can handle it if I have to deal with my own inadequacies and mistakes, but now my wife will have to put up with it too. 

        When I think about life since I've been with Olivia, a song comes to mind. It's called "This is For Real" by Motion City Soundtrack. 

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start you can take it or leave it
I'd prefer if you keep it, don't let go

This is the best thing that I've ever had, for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had, for real

        She's wonderful, and I want to rock her world and make everything perfect for her. I'm going to try my best, but I've often found that my best just isn't good enough. I thank God every day that someone as amazing as her would put up with me and my shortcomings. 

        Anyway, in other news, things are coming together nicely as far as our housing situation is concerned. We found a great apartment that was in our price range--great neighborhood, good location, affordable, spacious...doesn't get much better! We still have quite a bit of furniture that we need to procure, but for now all we'll really need is a bed. And luckily for us, my parents have decided that they want to get us a bed as a wedding present. So we have the bases covered in that respect, which is nice.

        That leaves only one loose end, which is my fiancee's apartment that she's living in now. She still needs to sell her contract, and I was thinking that we would have the hardest time with selling it. Much to my surprise, before we had even posted online that she wanted to sell her contract, she got a call from someone that was interested in taking a look at the place. She'll be coming by tonight to take a look at the place, so we'll be keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well and she'll actually want to take over her contract. 

        It's almost eerie how everything has been falling into place like that. Sure, it doesn't mean that all of a sudden since we've been engaged all of our problems have flown out the window and everything has taken care of itself, but there have been enough miracles happening for us to both know that we're doing the right thing. Big changes are coming, alright. And in spite of all my nervousness and worries, I'm nearly trembling with anticipation! Only 55 days, 15 hours, 36 minutes and 25 seconds to go! I can hardly wait! 

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